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logo idrefSally, Judith D. (1937-2024)
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Emmy Noether in Bryn Mawr : Proceedings of a Symposium Sponsored by the Association for Women in Mathematics in Honor of Emmy Noether’s 100th Birthday / Bhama Srinivasan, Judith D. Sally / Cham : Springer International PublishingDouble-clic pour en voir plus.
History of algebraic geometry : an outline of the history and development of algebraic geometry / Jean Dieudonne ; translated by Judith Sally / Paris [etc.] : Chapman & HallDouble-clic pour en voir plus.
Rings, modules and homology Chapters I and II, : based on lectures given by M. Auslander during 1959-1960 / by Maurice Auslander / written by J. D. Sally / [Waltham, Ma.] : Brandeis University , [1960?]Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Commutative algebra : syzygies, multiplicities, and birational algebra : AMS-IMS-SIAM summer research conference on commutative algegra, July 4-10, 1992, Mount Holyoke college / William J. Heinzer, Craig L. Huneke, Judith D. Sally, editors / Providence (R.I.) : American Mathematical Society , 2012Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Emmy Noether in Bryn Mawr : proceedings of a symposium in honor of Emmy Noether's 100th birthday / edited by Bhama Srinivasan and Judith D. Sally ; with contributions by Armand Borel, Walter Feit, Nathan Jacobson... [et al.] / New York : Springer-VerlagDouble-clic pour en voir plus.
Commutative algebra : proceedings from a microprogram held June 15-July 2, 1987 / M. Hochster, C. Huneke, J. D. Sally, editors / New York : Springer-Verlag , cop. 1989Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Commutative algebra : syzygies, multiplicities, and birational algebra : AMS-IMS-SIAM summer research conference on commutative algegra, July 4-10, 1992, Mount Holyoke college / William J. Heinzer, Craig L. Huneke, Judith D. Sally, editors / Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical SocietyDouble-clic pour en voir plus.
Roots to research : a vertical development of mathematical problems / Judith D. Sally, Paul J. Sally, Jr. / Providence (R. I.) : American Mathematical SocietyDouble-clic pour en voir plus.
Numbers of generators of ideals in local rings / Judith D. Sally / New York : Marcel Dekker , cop. 1978Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Roots to research : a vertical development of mathematical problems / Judith D. Sally, Paul J. Sally, Jr. / Providence (R. I.) : American Mathematical Society[2012]Double-clic pour en voir plus.
TriMathlon : a workout beyond the school curriculum / Judith D. Sally, Paul J. Sally / Natick, Mass. : Peters , 2003Double-clic pour en voir plus.
logo idrefSally, Jean
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homeChoses d'Espagne / Jean Sally / Paris, Les Livres nouveaux, 56, rue de l'Université , 1938Double-clic pour en voir plus.
logo idrefSaly, Jacques François (1717-1776)
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[Vases] : [recueil factice] / [Saly] / [S.l.] : [s.n.] , [ca 1746-1765]Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Recueil de caricatures Dessinées par J. Saly et Gravées par A. L. de Lalive D. J. / [s.l.] , [ca 1745]Double-clic pour en voir plus.
[Idées de monuments funéraires] / J. Saly inv. fec. / [A Paris chez Chereau rue des Mathurins] , [ca 1773-1788]Double-clic pour en voir plus.
[Vases, coupes et autres objets] : [recueil factice] / [Adresses diverses] : [éditeurs divers] , [entre 1650 et 1907 environ]Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Recueil factice d'estampes de Jacques François Joseph Saly, dit Sally / [Lieu de publication inconnu] : [éditeur inconnu]] , [1774]Double-clic pour en voir plus.
[Recueil de Vases] : [recueil factice] / [s.l.] : [s.n.] , [1746]Double-clic pour en voir plus.
logo idrefSally, Paul J. (1933-2013)
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homeHarmonic Analysis on Reductive Groups / William H. Barker, Paul J. Sally / Cham : Springer International PublishingDouble-clic pour en voir plus.
homeHarmonic analysis on reductive groups : Bowdoin College, 1989 / William Barker, Paul Sally, editors / Boston : Birkhäuser , cop. 1991Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Representation theory and analysis on homogeneous spaces : a conference in memory of Larry Corwin, February 5-7, 1993, Rutgers University / Simon Gindikin, Roe Goodman, Frederick P. Greenleaf ... [et al.], editors / Providence (R.I.) : American Mathematical SocietyDouble-clic pour en voir plus.
Mathematical aspects of conformal and topological field theories and quantum groups / AMS-IMS-SIAM summer research conference on conformal field theory, topological field theory, and quantum groups, June 13-19, 1992, Mount Holyoke College ; Paul J. Sally, Jr., Moshe Flato, James Lepowsky ... [et al.], editors / Providence (R.I.) : American Mathematical SocietyDouble-clic pour en voir plus.
Representation theory and harmonic analysis : a conference in honor of Ray A. Kunze, January 12-14, 1994, Cincinnati, Ohio / Tuong Ton-That, coordinating editor ; Kenneth I. Gross, Donald St. P. Richards, Paul J. Sally, Jr., editors / Providence (R.I.) : American Mathematical Society , 2012Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Applications of group theory in physics and mathematical physics / edited by Moshe Flato, Paul Sally, Gregg Zuckerman / Providence, R. I. : American Mathematical Society , 1985Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Representation theory and analysis on homogeneous spaces : a conference in memory of Larry Corwin, February 5-7, 1993, Rutgers University / Simon Gindikin, Roe Goodman, Frederick P. Greenleaf ... [et al.], editors / Providence (R.I.) : American Mathematical Society , 2012Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Mathematical aspects of conformal and topological field theories and quantum groups / AMS-IMS-SIAM summer research conference on conformal field theory, topological field theory, and quantum groups, June 13-19, 1992, Mount Holyoke College ; Paul J. Sally, Jr., Moshe Flato, James Lepowsky ... [et al.], editors / Providence (R.I.) : American Mathematical Society , 2012Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Representation theory and harmonic analysis : a conference in honor of Ray A. Kunze, January 12-14, 1994, Cincinnati, Ohio / Tuong Ton-That, coordinating editor ; Kenneth I. Gross, Donald St. P. Richards, Paul J. Sally, Jr., editors / Providence (R.I.) : American Mathematical SocietyDouble-clic pour en voir plus.
Harmonic analysis on reductive, p-adic groups : AMS special session on harmonic analysis and representations of reductive, p-adic groups, January 16, 2010, San Francisco, CA / Robert S. Dora, Paul J. Sally Jr., Loren Spice, editors / Providence (R.I.) : American Mathematical Society , cop. 2011Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Roots to research : a vertical development of mathematical problems / Judith D. Sally, Paul J. Sally, Jr. / Providence (R. I.) : American Mathematical Society[2012]Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Harmonic analysis on reductive, p-adic groups : AMS special session on harmonic analysis and representations of reductive, p-adic groups, January 16, 2010, San Francisco, CA / Robert S. Dora, Paul J. Sally Jr., Loren Spice, editors / Providence (R.I.) : American Mathematical Society , 2012Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Paires duales réductives en caractéristique 2 / L. Blasco / P.J. Sally Jr., M. Tadic / Marseille : Société mathématique de France , 1993Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Roots to research : a vertical development of mathematical problems / Judith D. Sally, Paul J. Sally, Jr. / Providence (R. I.) : American Mathematical SocietyDouble-clic pour en voir plus.
TriMathlon : a workout beyond the school curriculum / Judith D. Sally, Paul J. Sally / Natick, Mass. : Peters , 2003Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Admissible invariant distributions on reductive p-adic groups / Harish-Chandra ; notes by Stephen DeBacker and Paul J. Sally, Jr / Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , cop. 1999Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Representation theory and automorphic forms / Paul J. Sally, Jr., Nolan R. Wallach, editors / Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , cop. 1993Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Number, shape, and symmetry : an introduction to number theory, geometry, and group theory / Diane L. Herrmann, Paul J. Sally, Jr / Boca Raton : CRC Press , cop. 2013Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Pure and applied undergraduate texts / Providence (R.I.) : American Mathematical Society , 1998-Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Analytic continuation of the irreducible unitary representations of the universal covering group of SL(2, R) / by Paul J. Sally, Jr / Providence (R.I.) : American Mathematical Society , 2012Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Admissible invariant distributions on reductive p-adic groups / Harish-Chandra ; notes by Stephen DeBacker and Paul J. Sally, Jr / Providence (R.I.) : American Mathematical Society , 2012Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Analytic continuation of the irreducible unitary representations of the universal covering group of SL(2, R) / by Paul J. Sally / Providence : American Mathematical SocietyDouble-clic pour en voir plus.
Representation theory and harmonic analysis on semisimple Lie groups / edited by Paul J. Sally, Jr. and David A. Vogan, Jr. / Providence, R.I. : American Mathematical Society , cop. 1989Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Representation theory and harmonic analysis on semisimple Lie groups / edited by Paul J. Sally, Jr. and David A. Vogan, Jr / Providence (R.I.) : American Mathematical Society , 2012Double-clic pour en voir plus.
Tools of the trade : introduction to advanced mathematics / Paul J. Sally, Jr. / Providence (R. I.) : American Mathematical SocietyDouble-clic pour en voir plus.
Tools of the trade : introduction to advanced mathematics / Paul J. Sally, Jr. / Providence (R. I.) : American Mathematical Society[2012]Double-clic pour en voir plus.
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